Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"C" is for Cords

I've recently discovered that there are many other bloggers with self-diagnosed OCD who post about their little projects, so I thought I would share this one that I've been using for a while.  You know all of those miscellaneous cords that get crammed into the it-doesn't-have-a-home kitchen drawer?  Well I found a nice home for mine.

All of our cell phone, computer, and various other electronic cords get neatly wound up and placed in plastic baggies.  I label the plastic baggies, so I actually know what cords go with which electronic item.  Then I put all of the baggies into the zippered bag from our king-sized sheets.  It's not very pretty, but it does the job.  Most importantly, I can find what I need and none of the cords get tangled.  Am I the only one that organizes silly stuff like this?  I hope not.

1 comment:

  1. oh, I wish I was just the slightest bit more like you! lol! Sadly, I'm on the other end of the spectrum and it isn't pretty! This is such a great idea that I'm going to have to steal! :)


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